Ten ways Iowans can reduce their risk of getting cancer

(Editor’s note: While the Relay for Life is the most visible of the American Cancer Society’s efforts, the ACS works year-round to raise awareness  of cancer. Watch GreeneCountyNewsOnline for monthly informational articles provided by the ACS.)

While there is no way to prevent cancer completely, there are things you can do to lower your risk. These are basic guidelines that can help get you started and on track to a healthier you. Detailed information about proper nutrition is available at www.cancer.org, or you can call our 24/7 help line at 1-800-227-2345.

  1. If you don’t smoke, DON’T START
  2. Stay at a healthy weight. If all Americans maintained a healthy weight, ate a balanced diet that emphasized plant foods, and engaged in regular physical activity, as many as one-third of all cancer deaths in the US could be prevented.
  3. Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day occurs during the last week in September. This year, encourage your loved one to take charge of their health and get their recommended cancer screening tests. Offer to take them to the doctor. If you miss the September date, select another date prior to the end of 2016.
  4. Take and share the Nutrition and Activity quiz from the American Cancer Society website, www.cancer.org as a reminder for everyone to live smart.
  5. If you are over 50, talk to you doctor about a colon cancer screening. There are several tests available.
  6. Protect your skin from the sun, even on hazy days. If you see any changes in your skin, i.e. moles, scars, anything unusual, ask your doctor about it
  7. Women should talk to their doctor about breast cancer and the appropriate screening at age 40. If you are high risk, discuss it with your doctor about it at an earlier age.
  8. Check your home for radon. This is a major source for lung cancers.
  9. Get regular checkups. And talk to your health care provider about cancer screening tests that could save your life.
  10. Limit your intake of processed meats, and your consumption of alcohol.

For more information on how you can get involved with your local American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Greene County please contact Peg Raney at wmraney@netins.net.

About the American Cancer Society: The American Cancer Society is a global grassroots force of 2.5 million volunteers saving lives and fighting for every birthday threatened by every cancer in every community. As the largest voluntary health organization, the Society’s efforts have contributed to a 23 percent decline in cancer death rates in the U.S. since 1991, and a 50% drop in smoking rates. Thanks in part to our progress, 14.5 million Americans who have had cancer and countless more who have avoided it will celebrate more birthdays this year. We’re determined to finish the fight against cancer. We’re finding cures as the nation’s largest private, not-for-profit investor in cancer research, ensuring people facing cancer have the help they need, and continuing the fight for access to quality health care, lifesaving screenings, clean air, and more.


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